§ 3.13.030. Fee collection and use of funds.  

Latest version.
  • Pursuant to I.C. 36-2-13-5.6 the Porter County sheriff's department shall transfer fees collected under this section to the Porter County auditor. The Porter County auditor shall monthly:


    Deposit ninety (90) percent of any fees collected under this section in the county sex and violent offender administration fund; and


    Transfer ten percent of any fees collected under this section to the Treasurer of the State for deposit in the state sex and violent offender administration fund under I.C. 11-8-8-21.

    Pursuant to I.C. 36-2-13-5.6(g) the county fiscal body may appropriate money from the county's sex and violent offender administration fund to an agency or organization involved in the administration of the sex and violent offender registry to defray the expense of administering or insuring compliance with the laws concerning the Indiana Sex and Violent Offender Registry. Said appropriation of money should be done pursuant to the request and consent of the Porter County sheriff.

    Funds received and deposited in the Porter County sex and violent offender administration fund can be used only for the specific purposes set forth in this chapter. The funds received and deposited in the fund will be expended at the discretion of the Porter County sheriff for any departmental purpose related to the registration of sex and violent offenders; the change of address of sex and violent offenders; the maintenance and upkeep of the sex and violent offender website; training, education and equipment for sheriff's personnel as it relates to the registration of sex and violent offenders and other departmental purposes specifically related to sex and violent offender investigations.

    The funds deposited in the Porter County sex and violent offender fund is subject to appropriation by the Porter County council.

(Ord. 08-01 § 4)